my attention was drawn today to buntings, see here for what they are, on wiki.

Basically, a “bunting” is a term for any festive decorations made of fabric, they can often be used for wedding decorations, check out this interesting site.

So, these can be a form of art.

Here is a blog about textile’s, while includes a refernce to them. In fact, there are good few blogs out there about textile art, here are a few of them

I guess what Im trying to say, is that textiles are a fantastic source of art ispiration, and an amazing art medium also.


The above tibetan imagery is always inspiring… but the ones below are perhaps more familiar images!!



These minor works of art, alone, can seem plain, but when hanging in the wing and blowing, are inspiring- and they are a real part of traditional culture!!

They are always used at weddings. See here for some other wedding art ideas- oil portraits from wedding photo’s